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Duncan Macdonald North Tolsta Schoolhouse |
(North Tolsta and Glen Tolsta.)
Population last Census, 853 (Males, 400; Females, 453).
THERE is a general impression amongst strangers that it was because the men of Lewis had, prior to the war, been in either the Royal Naval Reserve or the Militia, that so many of them answered the call of King and Country. But from August to December, 1914, in spite of the large number of her men already on active service, Lewis contributed as liberally as any other part of the British Isles. By nature reticent and not ready
to proclaim his patriotism on the housetops, the Lewisman can be depended on to do his duty in his country's hour of need. When the call came to him he did not hesitate, but at once loyally responded.
The district of North Tolsta did magnificently. The population at last Census was 853—400 males and 453 females. The number of men on active service was 231, equivalent to 27 per cent, of the total and 58 per cent, of the males. This record is hard to beat—even in Loyal Lewis. One hundred and twenty-seven men
wesre called up by mobilisation. Since the beginning of the war no fewer than 104 men enlisted either in the Army or in the Navy. Over 75 per cent, of them had voluntarily enlisted before the Military Act was introduced. Fifty -two enlisted before the end of 1914, twenty-three others joined in 1915, and twenty-nine in the years 1916, 1917, and 1918.
This village had responded so well by the end of 1916 that supposing the military age had been then raised to 45 no additional man could have been obtained. The hamlet of Glen Tolsta with a population of 40, had ten men on active service, and of these seven enlisted between August and December, 1914.
A large number of young men joined before they reached military age, as well as many others who were over 50 years of age. A lad of sixteen whose father was in the army enlisted on hearing of the death of his eldest
brother in France. Another man holding an important appointment in the South, when he heard of the death of his youngest brother, at once enlisted in his brother's battalion to fill up the gap. A lad of sixteen who was in the Militia at the outbreak of the war told his father that there was no use trying to get him out of the army, "for," said he, "I am determined to go to the front." To the front he went and there he was wounded before he was 17, and killed at the age of 18. Another man who had spent many years in Canada enlisted in the Trawler Section of the Royal Naval Reserve although he was then 60 years of age. Several men travelled at their own expense from Western Canada to join the Royal Naval Reserve. A sailor, who had gone through
the South African War, offered himself at the beginning of the war although he was then about 50 years of age. This man took part in the retreat from Mons and during the war was four times wounded in action.
Many other outstanding cases could be given.
The following particulars show the response made by several families in this district : —
Mrs John Campbell, No. 54, seven sons.
Mr Kenneth Campbell, No. 2, six sons and a son-in-law.
Mr Alex. Maciver, No. 25, five sons.
Mr Kenneth Macleod, No. 5C, five sons and three grandsons.
Mrs N. Macleod, No. 6, three sons, four sons-in-law and two brothers.
Mrs Macleod, No. 20, her husband, three stepsons, and four brothers.
Mr Murdo Mackay, No. 42, three sons, two brothers and a brother-in-law.
Mr Angus Macleod, No. 34, three sons and three sons-in-law.
Mrs D. Smith, No. 56, her husband, three sons and five brothers.
Mrs D. Macleod, No. 56, her husband, four brothers and four brothers-in-law
Mr J. Murray, No. 45, four sons and a son-in-iaw.
Mr M. Maciver, No. 26, four sons and two sons-in-law.
Mr J. Macmillan, Glen, four sons, two brothers and a son-in-law.
Mr D. Mackenzie, No. 73, three sons, two grandsons and a son-in-law.
Mr D. Macdonald, No. 48, three sons and three sons-in-law.
Widow Murrav, No. 4, three sons, three grandsons and two sons-in-law.
Widow Murray, No. 49, two sons, five grandsons and a son-in-law.
Widow A. Smith, No. 24, two sons, four grandsons, a son-in-law; and last, but not least,
Mrs John Campbell, (jun.), No. 54, who had her husband, six brothers and six brothers-in-law serving.
The last mentioned case is probably a record one. There are many others who have given several sons and near relatives, but want of space prevents further details. But the parents who have given their only sons have given their all just as well as those who have given several. They have all done what they could, and posterity will bless them for their noble sacrifice.
If Tolsta has responded nobly she has suffered severely. Fifty of her sons have made the supreme sacrifice— 27 belonging to the Royal Naval Reserve and 23 belonging to the various branches of the Army. This is equivalent to 21.6 per cent, of those serving. Of the sixteen Tolsta men on H.M.S. "Iolaire" on her ill-starred trip only five were saved. Who can describe the poignancy of that disaster ! These 50 men have left 19 widows, 54 fatherless children, and over 150 other dependants.
Widow John Campbeli, No. 54, lost three of her seven sons.
Mr K. Macleod, No. 56, lost three of his five sons.
Mr Malcolm Macleod, No. 58, lost two sons and two nephews.
Mr A. Murray, No. 49 (now residing in Stornoway), lost two sons.
Widow Colin Campbell, No. 47, lost her husband and eldest son.
Widow J. Macdonald, No. 12, lost her husband and only brother.
Widow J. Martin, No. 76, lost her only son, two sons-in-law and three nephews.
Mr Donald Macleod, Hill Street, and Mr Kenneth Morrison, No. 8, have lost their only sons.
Widow A. Murray, No. 49, lost three grandsons.
From this district there came: —
A Lieut. -Commander, two Warrant Officers, three Petty Officers, a Chaplain with U.S. Army, a Second-Lieutenant, and several Sergeants; also a Chief Carpenter.
Three Tolsta soldiers have won the Military Medal for bravery on the field, and one of the three was awarded the Croix de Guerre. A large number of men have received the 1914 Star.
It is worthy of note here that Widow J. Campbell, No. 54, whose seven sons were on active service at the beginning of hostilities, received in December, 1914, a special letter of congratulation from His Majesty the King. North Tolsta, like the other parts of the Empire, has reason to be proud of her sons at home and abroad. Happy is the nation whose people, are so steadfast and loyal when such a testing time comes.
"Rinn eascairdean treubhach bhur feuchainn gu cruaidh
Ach phill sibh gu leir iad, 's cha d'gheill 's cha do ghluais,
Cho duilich 'ur crathadh ri carraig 's a' chuan
A chumas buan charraid ri slachdraich nan stuadh."
Schoolhouse, North Tolsta.
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